What is a Road Train?
We will always do our very best to get a dog to its perfect home, wherever that may be - Cornwall to Scotland is not unheard of. That clearly offers some logistical issues.
We have a dedicated bunch of volunteers who form the Phoenix Flyers and when a dog needs to travel they take all, or a section of that journey, to make it all possible.
If you see a post on our Facebook Page asking for help, it will be because we have an uncovered section and need your help. It can be the difference between getting a dog to safety and love, or not. You will need to have signed a Confidentiality Form (available online) and understand the Transportation Guidelines.
Even if you only help a couple of times a year, be it 10 or 100 miles, the sense of pride is immeasurable. You see that dog moving forward to a life it may never have had. And YOU can help make a huge difference to the life of a rescue Frenchie.