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Phoenix Harmony (Poppy) PPP - Aug 2020 to Jul 2024

Poppy came to Phoenix in Dec 2022 as a very young dog, just about a year old, and in very poor physical condition. 

Poppy was deaf, and our Phoenix vet warned us that, beneath the broken and bloodied skin, she was really very poorly and her life would likely be short. I was determined to make that life as full and varied as possible. 

Poppy was loved so, so much.  She was a very pretty, cheeky, mischievous little girl who bonded from the first minute with my two Staffordshire Bull Terriers but more so with my existing Frenchie, Esmee. She had severe separation anxiety, but we worked on that.  I bought her a "next to me" baby cot, which she loved, and in which Esmee joined her. The cot was gradually moved an inch away from my bed every night until she slept happily and confidently at the other side of the bedroom. 

Poppy loved the beach, and running free on the sand with a long lead attached, but I think her happy place was really in my friend's secure paddock where she could fly around safely and freely off lead with the other dogs. She thoroughly enjoyed scent-work games and was really quick at finding whatever I had hidden.  She came to me knowing just one command.  When she left me 18 months later she knew about 17, she was such a clever little girl. 

In June 2023 Poppy's health began to deteriorate rapidly and on 6th July our vet confirmed that it was time to say goodbye.

Run fast and free my beautiful Pops, until we meet again. xxx


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